© 2004-2024 Church Planters to America
P.O. Box 405
Portageville, New York 14536
(315) 868-1294
Planting Churches in Rural America
In a publication distributed by the Association of North American Missions, it was reported that one-fourth of the North American population lives in rural communities. This means that over sixty-five million people are in areas that are often bypassed by our fast-paced society. It is to this segment of our population that God has called CHURCH PLANTERS TO AMERICA. The primary goal is to establish Bible-believing churches that will have an eternal impact in the lives of people. It is the goal of each church, pastored by a C.P.A. missionary, to become a self-supporting, indigenous church that will continue to move forward after the missionary pastor has moved on to another needy field.
All missionaries, whether pastoring a church, working in the office, or filling any unique role within the mission, will be financially and prayerfully supported by family, churches and friends. All funds sent to the mission office will be receipted with a tax-deductible receipt and 100% of the gift will go to the missionary with nothing deducted for office expenses. CHURCH PLANTERS TO AMERICA will trust the Lord to meet the office expenses through gifts to the General Fund.
The need is great in the communities of our nation. CHURCH PLANTERS TO AMERICA is a mission established by God to reach the lost for Jesus Christ and establish Bible-believing churches. Your prayers, encouragement, and financial support are needed and appreciated, with the results of this great ministry to be recorded in Heaven, at that great day of accountability before the Lord.